
Appeals Policy

If you have been depicted in our content and would like to appeal removal of such content, please notify us by sending an email to [email protected]. If there should be a disagreement regarding an appeal, we will allow the disagreement to be resolved by a neutral body.

Procedure for dealing with complaints, dispute settlement procedures

The procedure for dealing with complaints meets the requirements of professional diligence. Should the customer therefore wish to make complaints, he/she can do so in tickets, mails and addresses mentioned here. Time-close editing is assured.

It is pointed out that Socialfancy headers are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration body.

Complaints Policy

If you would like to make a complaint about our content, contact us via email at [email protected] All complaints will be reviewed and resolved within 7 business days. Outcomes of any investigations/reviews will be be communicated to the complainant. Appeals or requests for any decision made should be presented, again to [email protected].

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